There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir:

We must rise and follow her,

When from every hill of flame

She calls, and calls each vagabond by name.”  

– William Bliss











October is one of those months that I look forward to with anticipation.  The weather gets cooler, in the morning there is an observable chill in the air. I love the color of the changing leaves, the bright pumpkins that festoon doorsteps, the crunch of leaves underfoot, the squirrels running around and burying nuts for winter, and the smell of more robust meals in the air.

October is truly a month of transition. You transition from warm weather to the chill of Halloween. You transition from trees filled with leaves to bare branches. And, I love that natural rhythm. October, to me, feels like putting on your favorite slippers and covering yourself with your favorite afghan. There is something hedonistic about its richness!

And, while October is almost over – let’s enjoy what remains. The Holidays are quickly approaching and with it, the madness of consumerism and over-consumption.  While there is nothing wrong with enjoying the holiday ‘mad dash’ we need to be more mindful of what we are doing.

I want to challenge you to start thinking about what you want to accomplish next year. Right now – just do a brain dump.  If Santa was here, and you could ask for anything – what would it be? Think seriously about something that you really want – like Ralphie in my favorite Christmas movie – The Christmas Story(OK, maybe not that Santa!). Now keep that list – we will use it later. And, keep reading!!!